Guide for Authors


TYPES OF CONTRIBUTIONS. The Journal publishes four types of contributions: original research articles, case studies, critical review articles, and short communication articles. Except for short communications (1,500-2,000 words), submissions should be between 4,000-6,000 words long. The Journal operates a double-blind review process. Each manuscript entering the review stage is evaluated by at least two expert referees.


AUTHORS FEES. The Journal does not charge any article publication-, processing-, open-access- or any other fees to authors. Authors will receive a PDF version of their article at no cost upon publication. Published articles will also be permanently available for download via the Portal of Croatian Scientific and Professional Journals on


PUBLISHING FOR THE FIRST TIME. Early career researchers, especially those who are publishing for the first time, are encouraged to submit their manuscripts. The editor will make efforts to facilitate the communication with the reviewers.


MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION. Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections and subsections (the abstract is not included in section numbering). Tables and figures should be kept to a necessary minimum and provided both in the main document and as separate files. Tables and figures that are submitted as separate files need to be provided in the original formats in which they were created (e.g. for tables and graphs created in Excel, the authors should attach the original Excel files; photographs or maps should be in one of the following formats: jpg, png, tiff, gif, BMP, PSD, cdr or ai). Authors should be consistent when using abbreviations, terminology, and references. In the case of survey-based studies, authors are required to attach a copy of the data collection instrument to their submission (e.g. questionnaire and/or interview protocols).


REFERENCES. In-text references should be formatted according to the author/date style following the APA Publication Manual (7th ed.). Example: (Smith, 2018). If there are three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus “et al.” in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity (e.g. Smith et al., 2018). Give all names in the reference list. The list of all references should appear at the end of the main document in the alphabetical order of authors. A referenced article should contain all authors' names, year of publication, article title, publication title, volume, and inclusive page numbers. A referenced book should list author name(s), year of publication, the title of the book, and publisher per the following examples:


Journal article:

  • Mikulić, J., & Prebežac, D. (2016). The Kano model in tourism research: A critical note. Annals of Tourism Research, 61, 25-27.



  • Reisinger, Y., & Turner, L. W. (2003). Cross-cultural behaviour in tourism: Concepts and analysis. Butterworth Heinemann.


Book chapter:

  • MacLaurin, D. J. (2002). Human resource issues for the convention industry. In K. Weber & K.-S. Chon (eds.), Convention tourism: International research and industry perspectives (pp. 79-99). The Haworth Hospitality Press.


For more information on the proper use of references, please refer to the Guidelines for References available on the Journal homepage.


MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION. Manuscripts must be submitted in English, electronically via ScholarOne Manuscripts at All manuscripts should be accompanied by an abstract (200 words) and up to five keywords. Authors should submit a manuscript file with no identifying author information and a separate title page with author details. Authors are required to submit their ORCID IDs on the title page.


FINAL MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION. Authors whose manuscript has been accepted for publication will be sent a PDF proof for final examination. Because we are trying to facilitate timely publication, any corrections should be returned within two working days. Tables, graphs, pictures, and illustrations should be provided in editable formats whenever possible (e.g. for tables and graphs created in Excel, the authors should attach the original Excel files; photographs or maps should be in one of the following formats: jpg, png, tiff, gif, BMP, PSD, cdr or ai).


The authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, the accuracy of all enclosed data, and the quality of the English language. For manuscripts that are progressing towards acceptance, the Editor may request professional proofreading prior to final acceptance.