Activation of Cultural Heritage in Croatian Tourism - AKULTUR



Project details:
The topic of this project proposal is the recognition and activation of cultural heritage resources (tangible and intangible) in tourism, which would reduce the gap between well-established and potential tourist attractions in less developed tourist destinations.
In doing so, the emphasis will be on three types of tourist products - related to the area: history of tourist heritage, architecture and spatial planning, and creative tourism.
The project will result in the advancement of scientific knowledge in the field of cultural tourism development based on innovative principles of action research but will also provide professional input in developing the capacities of local stakeholders for the development and improvement of tourism through the activation of tourist heritage in destinations of different levels of tourism development. This will, at the same time, increase the resilience of the social communities of the destinations and contribute to their socio-economic and cultural recovery.

Scientific activities:
In accordance with the foreseen methodology based on action research and thematic focuses of the project, resources and stakeholders of different sectors will be identified and mapped for the three thematic areas. In cooperation with local stakeholders, three different areas will be identified, and activities will be carried out with local stakeholders in order to solve specific problems in the organization and development of new tourist experiences based on tangible and intangible cultural heritage. The activities that the collaborators on the project will carry out are identification, mapping, and includes in-depth interviews, workshops, focus groups, as well as observation with participation in the definition and implementation of activities in the focus of the intervention and monitoring of implementation.

Project leader:
PhD. Jasenka Kranjčević, senior research fellow

Team members:

  • Ph.D. Renata Tomljenović, senior research fellow
  • Ph.D. Izidora Marković Vukadin, senior research associate
  • Ph.D. Ksenija Tokić, research associate
  • Ives Vodanović Lukić, PhD student
  • Ph.D. Nora Mustać
  • Ph.D. Hrvoje Mataković, research associate
  • Diana Baus, M.A. in Economics, Senior Associate in Science, PhD student

External collaborators:

  • Associate Professor PhD. Dina Stober, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University J. J. Strossmayer, Osijek
  • Prof. PhD. Amir Muzur, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka





The 2nd Meeting with members of the project team was held. The meeting was led by project leader Jasenka Kranjčević. Jasenka Kranjčević (project leader) gave an overview of the previous work, participation in conferences, scientific papers, and presented upcoming tasks and the plan for the next period. Team members chimed in with their suggestions."





Participation of Jasenka Kranjčević, PhD and Izidora Marković Vukadin, PhD at the Scientific Conference in Brežice "International Scientific Conference Hand in Hand (HiH): Active Leisure, Healthy Lifestyles and Sports Tourism" and the presentation of the paper "UNLOCKING ACTIVE TOURISM ENGAGEMENT: LEVERAGING BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCE IN INTERPRETATION STRATEGIES"



The guest appearance and presentation of the project on the Croatian Radio 3rd program in the show "Round Table on Mondays" by editor Maja Peterlić



Participation in the program "Heritage" of Croatian Radio Split and presentation of the project, editor Ivona Jakić



Participation of Nora Mustać at the 6th International Congress on Rural Tourism in Split and presentation of the paper "THE CHALLENGES OF BRANDING A RURAL TOURISM DESTINATION IN CROATIA USING TRADITIONAL RURAL MOTIFS"



Tour of Đurđevac, Novigrad Podravski and Torčec and a meeting with Mr. Ivan Zvjerac



Jasenka Kranjčević and Nora Mustać visited Torčec and Đurđevac, where they explored the area related to rural cultural heritage and agreed on further cooperation with local workers in culture and tourism - Mr. Ivan Zvjerac, Edita Janković Hapavel (the director of the museum in Đurđevac), and Mr. Mario Fuček (Tourist Board Đurđevac).



A meeting was held in the thematic area of the history of tourist heritage.



A meeting was held on the topic of creative tourism, where the selection of the spatial area for testing was discussed.



The 1st meeting (kick off) of the internal scientific project Activating cultural heritage in Croatian tourism was held. At the meeting, the team members familiarized themselves with the content and goals of the project. The possibilities of cooperation in three thematic areas were also considered, as were the spatial areas for the implementation of the project.