Research Workshop Held on the BIASTOUR Project
On Friday, February 21, a research workshop was held at the Institute for Tourism as part of the scientific project "Cognitive biases as a source of suboptimal decisions in tourism and (un)sustainability problems: Understanding biases for better management of tourism (BIASTOUR)", supported by the Croatian Science Foundation. The workshop, aimed at developing the guidelines for upcoming primary research activities and providing a deeper insight into cognitive biases in the decisions of tourists and local residents that will be addressed by the project, was attended by all members of the research group and Zrinka Marušić from the Institute for Tourism. During the workshop, Assistant Professor Dr. rer. nat. Dominik-Borna Čepulić gave a lecture on cognitive biases in human decision-making, while linking them to pro-environmental and pro-social behaviors of tourists and local residents. The workshop concluded with the definition of guidelines for the development of the study protocols.
Kick-off Meeting of the BIASTOUR Project
On Friday, January 3rd, the kick-off meeting of the project "Cognitive biases as a source of suboptimal decisions in tourism and (un)sustainability problems: Understanding biases for better management of tourism (BIASTOUR)", funded by the Croatian Science Foundation, was held. The project is led by Dr. Ivan Sever from the Institute for Tourism. The meeting brought together six collaborators from six institutions, including the Institute for Tourism, the Faculty of Science in Split, the Polytechnic of Šibenik, the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, the Croatian Catholic University, and the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management in Opatija. The project aims at providing a better understanding of decision-making mechanisms and cognitive biases in the perceptions and decisions of tourists and local residents, with the objective to increase the effectiveness of pro-environmental and pro-social interventions aimed at promoting sustainable tourism development. During the meeting, the research group discussed the planned primary research and the work plan for the first year of the project implementation, and agreed upon the upcoming research activities.