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Smart strategies for sustainable tourism in LIvely cultural DEStinations - S.LI.DES

Research area : Sustainable tourism development

Project manager : Ph.D. Sanda Čorak

Performer :

Implementation period : 2019. – 2021.

Client :


The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund, through the Interreg Italy-Croatia program. The estimated duration of the project is 30 months. The Institute for Tourism is one of 11 project partners. The project leader is the Italian
University of Ca´Foscari in Venice. Other Italian partners in the project are: CISET - International Center for Tourism Economics, ECIPA - Training and Services Agency, SIPRO - Ferrara Development Agency, Bari and Venice, and CAST - University of Bologna. Croatian partners involved in the project are: Craft College - Institution for adult education Subsidiary Rijeka, DURA - Development Agency of the City of Dubrovnik and the Šibenik Tourist Board.


The S.LI.DES. project aims at fostering cross border cooperation among cultural destinations in the Programme area and the joint planning of smart strategies to support more sustainable and balanced territorial development through the promotion of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, in particular those assets shaping the identity of the destinations