- Grujo Vrkljan, S., Beroš, I. i Bratić, V. (2023). The Analysis od Cruise Ships Employees Satisfaction. Proceedings of scientific conference 10th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management, Rim, Italija, str. 315-327.
- Grujo Vrkljan, S. (2023). Job Satisfaction of Female Employees in the Lodging Industry. Proceedings book of scientific conference Women in Tourism – Lessons Learned, or Lessons Forgotten, Split, Hrvatska, str. 16-27.
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- Barišić, P., Nanić., A. i Vrkljan, S. (2019). UGC and FGC as the new challenges for tourist destination management. Interdisciplinary Management Research XV, Opatija, str. 869-890.
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- Vrkljan, S. i Blažević Bognar, Z. (2017). The model of key competitive factors of global chain hotels. Zbornik 4. Međunarodne znanstvene konferencije - ToSEE (Tourism in South East Europe), Opatija, str. 631-644.
- Vrkljan, S. (2014). The competitiveness of small hotels in transitional countries – the case of Croatia. Zbornik 2. Međunarodne znanstvene konferencije - OFEL Conference on Corporate Governance, Dubrovnik, str. 960-973.
- Vrkljan, S. (2013). The small hotel's survival and profitability requires the responsibility for sales and marketing. Zbornik 1. Međunarodne znanstvene konferencije - OFEL Conference on Corporate Governance, Dubrovnik, str. 953-962.
CROSBI (CROatian Scientific BIbliography)