25. - 27.9. 2023. održat će se SEA-UNICORN ​WG3 radionica: Marine functional connectivity (MFC) and ecological coherence between the protected areas of the Adriatic and eastern Mediterranean

25. - 27.9. 2023. održat će se SEA-UNICORN ​WG3 radionica: Marine functional connectivity (MFC) and ecological coherence between the protected areas of the Adriatic and eastern Mediterranean

Od 25. do 27. rujna 2023., SEA-UNICORN ​WG3 organizira radionicu na temu: Marine functional connectivity (MFC) and ecological coherence between the protected areas of the Adriatic and eastern Mediterranean na Institutu za turizam u Zagrebu.

U ovoj trodnevnoj radionici razgovarat će se o pomorskoj funkcionalnoj povezanosti (MFC), te o kreatorima politika i dionicima iz svih sektora. Definirat će se nedostaci znanja o Jadranskom i istočnom Sredozemnom moru u kontekstu pomorskog prostornog planiranja i održivog plavog gospodarstva.


Organizatori radionice su:

David Goldsborough, (SEA-UNICORN - WG3 Co-leader, Van Hall Larenstein, Netherlands),
Ant Türkmen (SEA-UNICORN - WG3 Co-leader, LifeWatch ERIC, Italy),
Peter Mackelworth (Blue World Institute of Marine Research & Conservation, Croatia),
Burak Ali Çiçek (Eastern Mediterranean University)
Hrvoje Carić (Institute for Tourism for Zagreb, Croatia)


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