Photo: Ilustrativna fotografija


The pilot study of the online attribute of Croatia as a tourism destination on the most important generating markets

Research area : Tourism market research

Project manager : Ph.D. Damir Krešić

Performer :

Implementation period : 2016.

Client :


Based on an analysis of online UGC related to Croatia and tourism, conducted on the most important tourism-generating markets, it is possible to make following conclusions: 1) There is a large disparity between the number of contents (UGC) in the English language and the number of contents (UGC) in the languages of other generating markets; 2) the importance of Facebook for the promotion of tourism products and services is gradually decreasing, while at the same time we are witnessing the increasing  importance of Instagram and Twitter, 3) Web sites continue to be a central place in the e-promotion and e-marketing concept of the largest number of analyzed cases 4) From the analyzed ocontents (UGC), it is clear that different tourism generating markets have different characteristics and that there are some themes common to all marketis and a number of themes that are specific only to a single market.