Photo: Ilustrativna fotografija



Contract for the Study of optimization of traffic flows on the road network of the City of Zagreb

Research area : Tourism, territory and traffic

Project manager : Ph.D. Davor Krasić

Performer :

Implementation period : 2019.

Client : City of Zagreb


The City of Zagreb, as an investor of the Study, identified 19 major unrealized projects and study proposals in the field of road infrastructure, which needed to be re-evaluated in order to determine the implementation priorities in the period ahead. The re-evaluation of these projects was based on the common indicative objectives set by the European Union through its transport policies in urban areas, as well as the national transport strategy of the Republic of Croatia.
The study was elaborated through 11 chapters preceding the concluding chapter.

The analytical part of the Study elaborates on the following:
• existing transport supply (road network, public transport network, cycle path network and ITS solutions),
• existing traffic demand (vehicle traffic on the road network, public transport passenger flows and bicycle flows),
• Existing available documentation: transport studies and road infrastucture schemes, on the basis of which 19 major road infrastructure projects have been identified for which re-valorisation will be made.
After developing two scenarios for the development of the Zagreb city transport system, a multi-criteria evaluation (8 criteria) of projects was undertaken. Multicriteria evaluation was supported by simulation results using a transport model for several projects.
The conceptual solution for upgrading the existing road network of the City of Zagreb, after the evaluation, was to group the projects into 4 groups according to the priority of realization:
1st priority for realization,
2. priority for realization,
3. priority for realization,
and a fourth group with projects that are not yet proposed for implementation. A dynamic plan for project realization by 2036 has been made.