Tourism satellite account for Croatia for 2016: Development of statistical basis and assessment on internal tourism consumption
Research area : Ekonomski učinci turizma
Project manager : Ph.D. Neven Ivandić
Performer :
Implementation period : 2018.
Client : Ministarstvo turizma RH
Tourism is demand driven, unlike other, ‘regular’, economic activities, which are define on the basis of inputs, technologies or outputs. In this sense tourism consists of all activities that place their outputs to visitor consumption. Therefore tourism is one of the activities that refer to groupings of industries implying the usage of the satellite account approach.
Tourism satellite account (TSA) is composed of 10 tables relating to monetary and non-monetary indicators of tourism expenditure and consumption, output, employment, gross fixed capital formation and government administrative expenditures associated with tourism, and five macro-aggregates as indicators of the size of tourism in a national economy.
The aim of the project is to compile 3 TSA tables related to inbound and domestic tourism expenditures and internal tourism consumption for Croatia in 2016.