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Assessment of sustainable practices in the field of tourism at the level of the existing tourist system and the establishment of a network of destinations involved in monitoring the sustainability of tourism

Research area : Sustainable tourism development

Project manager : Ph.D. Izidora Marković Vukadin

Performer :

Implementation period : 2020

Client : Ministry of Tourism and Sport


Researchers: Zrinka Marušić, Ivo Beroš, Lidija Nujić , Damir Krešić, Sara Melkić

Involving 20 to 30 new destinations in the measurement process (through workshops) through:

a. connecting identified stakeholders;
b. transfer of knowledge and education on independent establishment and implementation of the measurement process i
monitoring the sustainability of tourism at the destination level (JLS);
c. identifying problem topics with the aim of establishing new / additional indicators.
Development of activities aimed at increasing the visibility of activities aimed at monitoring the sustainability of the project, as well as achieving the goal of including new members in the National Network for Monitoring and Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (NMPOT). To achieve this goal, it is necessary to have a consistent plan of communication and communication activities, as well as a plan for knowledge transfer between network members.