Foto: Zaposlenici Instituta za turizam

Istraživački tim Mira Zovko

  • Akademska naobrazba
    • 2018. – Dr. sc. – Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
    • 2009. – Mr. sc. – Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
    • 1996. – dipl. ing. preh. teh. – Prehrambeno- biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
  • Profesionalno iskustvo
    • 2024. - danas - Institut za turizam, znanstveni suradnik
    • 2021. – 2024. - specijalist, Ministarstvo turizma i sporta, viši savjetnik
    • 2019. – 2021. - Ministarstvo gospodarstva i održivog razvoja, voditelj Odjela
    • 2018. – 2019. - Hrvatska agencija za okoliš i prirodu, voditelj Odjela
    • 2007. – 2019. - Agencija za zaštitu okoliša, voditelj Odjela
    • 1998. – 2007. - Nastavni zavod za javno zdravstvo „dr. Andrija Štampar“, laboratorijski analitičar
    • 1997. – 1998. - Mundus d.o.o., pripravnik
  • Znanstveni i stručni interes
    • Održivi razvoj turizam
    • Ublažavanje i prilagodba klimi
    • EU taksonomija
    • Javno zdravstvo
    • Obrazovanje za održivi razvoj
  • Projekti
    • Sustav satelitskih računa održivog turizma Republike Hrvatske za 2022. Godinu (TSSA)
    • Governing sustainable tourism in territories with high environmental value: reconnecting tourism and nature for addressing the climate crisis with an ecosystem-based approach (NaTour4CChange), Interreg Euro-MED0200735
    • Učinkovitost mjera prilagodbe i ublažavanja učinaka klimatskih promjena u turizmu (COMMITMENT)
    • Projekt „Uspostava Sustava satelitskih računa održivog turizma RH“, NPOO C1.6;  fokalna točka MINTS
    • EBDR/UNWTO „Facilitating Tourism Recovery in the Aftermath of COVID-19 Croatia Measurement of the COVID-19 Tourism Impact with emphasis on the social and environmental component of tourism sustainability“,  fokalna točka MINTS
    • Fitotoksičnost nanosrebra: mehanizmi akcije i interakcije u stanicama duhana (No. 6488 NanoPhytoTox)
    • Human Biomonitoring for Europe (HBM4EU), EU - Obzor 2020 (No 733032)
    • CROSTO – razvoj, mjerenje i praćenje indikatora održivosti razvoja turizma na regionalnoj razini, suradnik IZT
  • Izdvojena bibliografija
    • Marković Vukadin I, Zovko M, Mandić A (2022) The Impacts of Nature-Based Tourism: Redefining sustainable tourism challenges and associated indicators in protected areas. U: Mandić A i Walia SK, ur., The Routledge Handbook of Nature Based Tourism Development, Routledge.
    • Chen JM, Zovko M, Šimurina N, Zovko V (2021) Fear in a Handful of Dust: The Epidemiological, Environmental, and Economic Drivers of Death by PM2.5 Pollution, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18,16: 1-59.
    • Zovko M, Melkić S, Marković Vukadin I (2021) Application of DPSIR framework to assess environmental issues with an emphasis on waste management driven by stationary tourism in Adriatic Croatia, Geoadria, 26, 1: 83-106.
    • Zovko M, Key challenges of tourism sustainability with an emphasis on waste management - Croatian case study,  Green Destinations & Future of Tourism Summit 2022, Green Destinations, Athens, September 2022
    • Zovko M, Evaluation framework for assessing the environmental sustainability of tourism based on the DPSIR model – case study of Croatia, International Conference on Sustainability Analysis – ICSA, Sapienza University of Rome, July 2022
    • Zovko M, The importance of climate change mitigation  for tourism in protected areas, 10th International Symposium Kopački rit - past present, future, September 2021
    • Zovko V, Zovko M, The importance of resource productivity and sustainable waste management for economic growth in Croatia, 2nd International Conference on the Economics of the Decoupling (ICED), Zagreb, December 2020
    • Zovko M, Zovko V, Exploring the concept of circular economy and eco-innovations in the context of regional development, 9th International Scientific Symposium „Region, Entrepreneurship, Development“ (RED), Osijek, June 2020
    • Marković Vukadin I, Zovko M, Krešić D (2020) Review and evaluation of existing international systems of tourism sustainability indicators, Hrvatski geografski glasnik, 82, 1: 85−110
    • Zovko V, Zovko M, Decoupling economic growth from natural resource use and environmental impacts in Croatia, 1st International Conference on the Economics of the Decoupling (ICED), Zagreb, December 2019
    • Cvjetko P, Zovko M, Peharec Štefanić P, Biba R, Tkalec, M, Domijan AM, Vinković Vrček I, Letofsky-Papst I, Šikić S, Balen B (2018) Phytotoxic effects of silver nanoparticles in tobacco plants, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25: 5590.
    • M Zovko. Environmental data in education, The first International Green Library Conference, Zagreb/Brijuni, Croatia, November 2018
    • Zovko M, Cvjetko, Petra; Vinković Vrček, I, Balen B, The effect of silver nanoparticles on oxidative stress in tobacco seedlings (Nicotiana tabacum). Book Of Abstracts of the 12th Croatian Biological Congress. U: Klobučar G, Kopjar N (ur.) Hrvatsko biološko društvo, Zagreb, 2015. str. 224-224.
    • Kufrin J, Zovko M, Pavlinec B, Informacijski sustav gospodarenja otpadom – prilagodbe novim zahtjevima, Međunarodna konferencija o zaštiti okoliša “Kružno gospodarstvo u urbanim sredinama”, Poreč, Hrvatska, lipanj 2017.
    • Zovko M; Vidaković-Cifrek Ž; Cvetković Ž, Bošnir J, Šikić S (2015) Assessment of acrylamide toxicity using a battery of standardised bioassays, Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology 66: 315-321.
    • Cvjetko P, Zovko M, Balen B (2014) Proteomics studies of heavy metal toxicity in plants, Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 65: 1-18.
    • Zovko M, Butuči J (2009) Croatian Environment Information System – How to reach the public?, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society Journal: Energy, Environment, Ecosystems, Development and Landscape Arhitecture 3: 68-72.
    • Bošnir J, Hegedus, M, Puntarić, D, Zovko M, Baričević L, Perko G, Mihok D (2005) Nužnost stalne kontrole i nadzora prehrane u domovima za starije osobe u Hrvatskoj, Medicus, 14, 2; 305-312.
    • Bošnir J, Puntarić D, Zovko M, Šmit Z (2004) Acrylamide as a food contaminant, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 197, 3 137-388, Elsevier.
    • CROSBI (CROatian Scientific BIbliography)