Agreement on provision of training services for tourism product providers for the Blutoursystem project, Interreg IT-HR CBC 2014-2020
Research area : Strategic planning in tourism
Project manager : Ph.D. Izidora Marković Vukadin
Performer :
Implementation period : 2019.
Client :
As part of Blutoursystem projects, the rural area uses the LEADER program, which focuses on rural development activities, and the smallest component in the program is the LAG (LAG). The handbook focuses on the revaluation of the project area comprising the coverage of LAG 5, the islands of Korcula, Mljet and Lastovo and the Peljesac peninsula. A tourist destination as a framework for a tourism product is a basic development unit, so destination management is a key issue. The success of destination management is reflected through the level of cooperation between different destination stakeholders. A destination with a higher level of stakeholder involvement will be more successful in managing, ie planning its growth, developing new products, diversifying its marketing activities and acquiring new knowledge. Stakeholder support and coordination are important, both for development and sustainability.