Photo: Ilustrativna fotografija


Attitudes and expenditures of yachtsmen in Croatia 2012

Research area : Strategic planning in tourism

Project manager : Zrinka Marušić mag. math., univ.spec.oec.

Performer :

Implementation period : 2012.

Client : Ministry of Tourism


TOMAS NAUTICA Yachting 2012 (under the full name of "Attitudes and expenditures of yachtsmen in Croatia") is a primary research based on the collection of data directly from the tourists-yachtsmen. It is conducting continuously since 2001. The 2012 survey has been conducted for the fourth time (2001, 2004, 2007, and 2012). The survey methods, based on general methods of TOMAS surveys, are specifically adjusted for the segment of nautical-yachting tourism demand. The survey methods are a prerequisite of obtaining reliable and representative assessment of nautical-yachting demand characteristics in Croatia.
The content of the TOMAS NAUTICA Yachting 2012 Survey includes:
- socio-demographic profile of yachtsmen visiting the country in the summer time
- the main characteristics of voyage and stay in marinas and ports
- activities during the voyage, including on-shore activities
- expenditures and their structure
- the main strengths and weaknesses and the overall Croatian nautical tourism products and
- competitiveness of the overall Croatian nautical tourism product in relation to competitive international sailing destination.
The instrument of data collection was a questionnaire printed on a single sheet of A3 paper on eleven languages. Method of data collection was personal interview.
A stratified random sample was used in the survey. First strata was defined by vessel’s ownership: yachtsmen in Croatian charter and yachtsmen on vessels in other forms of ownership. Further strata were defined by months (June to October) and country of origin of yachtsmen (Croatia, Italy, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Great Britain, Czech Republic, France, Poland, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Sweden and Russia).
The total sample size was 2171 yachtsmen. The survey was conducted from June to October 2012 in 25 marinas and 8 town ports along the coast and on the islands. The share of respondents in charter is 49%. The sample is representative for the observed population with respect to the type and length of vessel and country of origin of yachtsmen in charter.
The survey findings are published in the book of the same name, published by the Institute for Tourism. Besides the research methods, main results and major changes compared to 2007, all survey results are presented in tables (in Croatian and English). The survey results are presented by the vessel ownership (Croatian charter and yachtsmen on other vessels), country of origin (separately for Croatian charter and yachtsmen on other vessels) and by the length of vessel.