Photo: Ilustrativna fotografija


Development of gastronomy tourism in Šibenik-Knin County

Research area : Destination marketing and branding

Performer :

Implementation period : 2019.

Client : TZ Šibensko-kninske županije


Researchers: Snježana Boranić Živoder, Renata Tomljenović

The project consisted of analyzing secondary dana and conducting two primary research. These included survey and in-depth interviews with main stakeholders. The study begins with a detailed analysis of gastronomic offer in the county. The advantaged, disadvanteged, opportunies and threats are then defined. The following are the vision and goals for tourism develoment. Marketing activities included target markets, positioning, product development and promotional activities. The Action Plan consist of a description of 16 project grouped into the following areas: management of gastronomic tourism development, product development, promotional activiites and human resources development.