Study of the sustainability of tourism development and reception capacity with the action plan of the City of Mali Lošinj
Research area : Sustainable tourism development
Project manager : Ph.D. Hrvoje Carić
Performer :
Implementation period : 2021
Client : Town Mali Losinj
Researchers: Neven Ivandić, Neda Telišman-Košuta
Study of the sustainability of tourism development and reception capacity with the action plan of the City of Mali Lošinj':
1. Analyzed key development indicators (physical, infrastructural, demographic, socio-cultural, economic);
2. Analyzed the research of the attitudes of the local population and tourists
3. Analyzed secondary data sources - spatial planning documentation, development/strategic documents, reports of public companies and other relevant professional and scientific sources;
4. Detected limitations, 'bottlenecks' and negative influences that determine the carrying capacity;
5. Described alternative development scenarios in order to determine the limits of acceptable changes, ie to determine the range of carrying capacity;
6. Developed an Action Plan in order to minimize the negative impacts of tourism and prevent those forms of tourism development that could jeopardize the sustainability of the destination.