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Tourism development strategy for the Bar mjunicipality - 2021 - 2026

Research area : Strategic planning in tourism

Project manager : Ph.D. Ivo Kunst

Performer :

Implementation period : 2021

Client : Tourist Organization of Bar


Researchers: Snježana Boranić Živoder, Sanja Čižmar

Starting from the SWOT analysis, the key strategic advantages and disadvantages related to tourism development in the Bar municipality have been derived. Furthermore, the SWOT analysis served as a good basis for defining the overall tourism development concept for the entire project area, both in its program/thematic, as well as in its time/spatial aspects. The operationalization of the proposed development concept through the initiation of a number of projects related to the gradual increase of the destination competitiveness, market visibility and/or destination management, should ensure the gradual, mutually coordinated, and long-term sustainable development of tourism activities throughout the project area.